京都分區地圖 Kyoto area map



When you making itinerary for Kyoto, consider the area of each sight spots you would like to visit.


因此,請試著參考上面的「京都區域地圖」和下面的「區域景點列表」,檢查您想要參訪的景點屬於哪個區域,並結合該區域的其他景點,讓您的旅程規劃更加流暢有效率。下榻在京都的中心區域是個不錯的選擇喔! (ESK公寓就在中心區喔~笑 : p)

Even though we have many mode of transport in Kyoto, it is hard to move the sight spots in opposite area in a day with limited time.

Check the sights position where you want to visit belongs to which area and combine several spots inside of the area makes your Kyoto sightseeing more efficiently. From any area, back to down town area including our apartment is good access.

中心區 Central area


●Down town
(shops and eateries from Karasuma St.~ Kamogawa river / Shijo street ~ Oike street);
●Nishiki market,
●Nijo castle,
●Kyoto Imperial palace,
●Manga museum.

百貨區 Down town

東區(東山) East (Higashiyama) area


●Yasaka shrine,
●Kiyomizudera temple,
●Chioin temple,
●Heian jingu shrine,
●Nanzenji temple,
●Eikando temple,
●Ginkakuji temple.


西區(嵐山) West (Arashiyama) area

●Togetsukyo bridge,
●bamboo forest,
●Tenryuji temple,
●Monkey Park Iwatayama,
●Matsuo shrine,
●Kouryuji temple,
●Myosinnji temple,
●Toei Uzumasa Eigamura.

嵐山竹林 Arashiyama bamboo forest

北區 North area


●Shimogamo shrine,
●Kamigamo shrine,
●Kyoto Botanical Garden,
●Daitokuji temple,
●Imamiya shrine,
●Kamogawa delta.

下鴨神社(下賀茂神社) Shimogamo shrine

北西區 North west area


●Kitanotenmangu shrine,
●Ryoanji temple,
●Ninnaji temple,
●Daikakuji temple,

西陣 Nishijin

南區(伏見&宇治 ) South area (Fushimi and Uji)


●Fushimi inari shrine,
●Sake brewery village,
●Daigoji temple,
●Byodouin temple.

伏見稻荷大社(千鳥居) Fushimi inari shrine

京都車站周邊 Kyoto station around area


●Higashihonganji temple,
●Touji temple,
●Sanjusangendo temple,
●Kyoto National Museum,
●Toufukuji temple.

京都塔 Kyoto tower


Please note: in Kyoto, temples close at 5 pm. Opening hour differ from each temple, some open early in the morning around 6 am.


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