下鴨神社。糺の森の光の祭 Light Festival in Tadasu no Mori at Shimogamo Shrine


一直以來,藝術團隊「teamLab/チームラボ」致力於帶給大家創新的藝術體驗。這次teamLab和世界遺產"下鴨神社/しもがもじんじゃ"合作展演的"下鴨神社 糺の森の光の祭",讓我們在仲夏夜裡體驗了夢境般地視覺、觸覺、聽覺饗宴。

"teamLab" is a group of Japanese artists to create an extraordinary body of artistic work. 8/17-9/2 they collaborate with Shimogamo shrine, hold the "Light Festival in Tadasu no Mori at Shimogamo Shrine", bring us an fantastic experience of visual, tactile & auditory in summer night.





People take a stroll in the colorful tadasunomori forest and be a part of the artistic work.




6:30pm – 10:00pm (9:30pm 最終入場)
平日1,000円 /六日1,200円 ,國小以下孩童免費入場。 官網、現場販售

(Last Entry 9:30pm)
Mon – Fri JPY 1,000 / Sat – Sun JPY 1,200,
Elementary school students and younger are free. Ticket can be purchased at door during exhibition period.
Tip:Entrance is on the south side of Tadasu no Mori.

◍從ESK出發!! 交通建議


○Kyoto City Bus/walk to [Nishioji Shij] bus stop for 8 minutes, take #205 city bus, get off at [Shin Aoibashi], arrive Shimogamo shrine directly.


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